It’s hard to describe how I feel at the moment. On the one hand, I’m always happy to try out something new and experience a new city. But on the other hand, I feel like I never got to know Fulda the way that I did Ulsan. While my first year here was exactly how I had imagined it, the second one just sort of had the wind taken out of its sails. Officially I’ve been a student in Germany, but it’s hard to feel like a student when you never step foot in a classroom for a year. It’s just like that second year just went by without me even realizing it.
Yet, I still do have plenty of fond memories from my time here during the pandemic – whether through ultimate frisbee, bike rides, sending memes during online seminars, or deep conversations with some great new friends. We certainly made the best with the cards that we were dealt. In the end it’s all you really can do, I suppose.
Pandemic or not, I’m learning that life does indeed go on. So, here’s to new relationships and experiences in Regensburg – and hopefully some sense of normalcy this year!
Side note: If you happen to be reading this, I’d like to ask you to consider donating to my aunt’s gofundme page, if you can. She was recently diagnosed with a very serious illness and will be facing lots of extra expenses due her treatment. Any donation helps! Link: